There’s a reason why teachers receive a sad, knowing
nod from others at a dinner party or when meeting new people. The profession
kicks us around and often kicks hardest when we’re down.
We teach for the pleasure of sharing a subject or
skill that we love and hope to infuse a passion in someone else. We don’t teach
for the pounding headaches or the late nights grading. We don’t teach because
we like low pay and instability.
So, in the light of how teachers are treated, it’s
only natural to see teachers burnout more quickly than in any other profession.
That’s why we need to take steps to protect ourselves from the inevitable
because it can be prevented and controlled.
Follow these steps and keep yourself safe from the
overkill, the stress, the demands, the inconsistencies, the long hours, the
endless grind, and the disregard for competitive compensation.
Mindfulness meditation.
Mindful meditation uses breathing techniques to bring
you closer to the present moment. Being in the present moment means being more
proactive and controlled in difficult situations. In a recent study, subjects
who spent more time practicing this showed increased levels of gray matter
according to brain images. See
more at
National Institute of Health.
2. Smile.
It sounds simple, but for teachers it sometimes feels
crazy. How can you smile with so much work, not enough hours to finish your
work, and definitely without the pay your worth? You smile because it physically
changes your body chemistry and, well, if you’re truly burning out, it will
spark something inside you to keep moving forward. According to the Association
for Psychological Science, smiling not only improves your mood but others’ as
3. Laugh—all
the time and wildly.
Laughing empowers you, recharges you, and it’s also contagious. Giving
yourself a moment to laugh at an unbearable situation helps put things into
perspective, but it also helps you stay healthy and, well, happy. Find out more
about work and laughter at Laughter Works, an Australian company that
promotes laughter in the workplace.
4. Avoid
We all know avoiding conflict seems almost laughable
when you wear the label teacher, but it’s an important skill. Do it as much as
possible. Conflict pelts us like a machine gun so avoiding it saves a lot of
time and energy on our part.
5. Solve
problems quickly and efficiently.
When you can’t avoid the inevitable, solve the problem
as quickly and efficiently as possible. Strike the issue and use your gut to
guide you then let it all go. This keeps worry at bay and therefore saves you a
lot of wasted energy.
6. Monitor
your feelings.
Be hyper aware of how you feel. The first signs of
feeling overwhelmed materialize differently with every person, but remain aware
of them and you’ll be able to control them by taking a step back from work,
even for a few moments, just to observe.Mind Tools details how to manage and monitor
7. Plan for
There should be set times to grade. Stick to those
times and you’ll breathe easier when other work gets thrown your way. To make
it even more effective, time yourself when you grade to ensure that you don’t
spend too many hours on any one assignment.
8. Shift
your focus to home.
When we use so much technology, we sometimes lose our
sense of boundaries and forget where work should be. Understandably we can’t
keep work at work all the time. But, keep yourself in check. Time boundaries
often make more sense. The boundary could be that for three hours you don’t
grade, plan, or read emails.
9. Take a
day off.
Sometimes, when the beatings you’ve taken add up to
just too much work, it’s time to take a day off. Often, it’s just what you need
to recharge and keep going. It’s the day that’s not a holiday or a sick day,
it’s just your day. When you return to work, you’ll be able to teach with more
power and insight than before.
10. Slow
If taking a day off isn’t possible, just slow down.
Skip the coffee and just take a break. Sit and stare out the window for minutes
at a time. Walk slowly to your next meeting. Breathe fresh air. Remember the
beauty of taking your time.
11. Throw
your lessons out the window.
Relying on routine is one thing. Redundancy is
another. If you feel as if teaching’s become repetitive and stale, then your
students will too. You’re body and mind will react accordingly so start small
and throw out one lesson. See what happens. When it works, do it again.
12. Sink
into teaching something new.
Ask to change courses or add a twist to your old way
of teaching. Sometimes that feeling of burning out really means you’re burning
out of ideas, so map out something new and send yourself on the same path as
the student when you feel as if you’re slowing down too much.
13. Sleep.
Frankly, this should be your trick for every other
number on this list. Teachers just don’t sleep enough. Between worrying over
problems with our students or superiors and being overwhelmed with work, sleep
takes a backseat. And, yet, it keeps us alert and powerful when we need to
solve problems. So set a curfew for yourself. Check
out this Harvard Medical School research on the effects of
Walk, swim, run, do yoga or pilates, but find a way to
exercise. It helps you sleep better and it keeps you healthy. Burnout won’t
happen if you’re busy taking care of your mind and body. Exercise also releases
endorphins that will help you smile in the face of difficulties.Visit the Mayo Clinic for more about why exercise is so
15. Invite
a friend to lunch.
You might be saying, “What lunch?” Too many teachers
go without lunch or even breaks so inviting a friend to lunch quickly remedies
that problem. If you know you have an appointment and someone else is coming,
it sets you up to meet someone. Besides, talking to friends also recharges you. PsychCentral demonstrates the importance of
seeking refuge in friendship.
16. Take
your own advice.
Teachers love to give advice—especially zen-like
advice that’s supposed to make everything all better when students run into
problems. But, we rarely take our own advice. This is where we go wrong. Look
at even the most simple expectations you have for your students and think about
whether or not you actually use the advice you dish out. You’ll be surprised at
how much you give and never receive.
Establish routines.
It doesn’t matter how old you are. Routines provide a
sense of structure and therefore give us a feeling of security. So when
everything else may seem out of control, our routines remain in place and you
remain sane. Make sure you follow specific routines daily even if it’s as small
as having a morning cup of coffee.
18. Teach
from your heart.
Because the reason we started teaching in the first
place was for the love of teaching, then remember to teach from your heart.
Being passionate about your work keeps you focused and generates energy for
yourself and your students.
19. Move
If your environment and classes just aren’t working
out, then move on. There are lots of teaching jobs out there and this one might
not be for you. Rethink your situation. Ask yourself: Is this worth it? Can I move forward here? If
it feels temporary, then look elsewhere. Staying may be the source of your
20. Build
When staying means changing your circumstances, focus
on success. Setting concrete goals for yourself and with your students in mind
sends you in forward motion. Set daily goals or monthly goals and meet them.
This will confirm a sense of success and therefore boost your ego, a
more-than-necessary antidote to burnout.
21. Create
small sanctuaries.
Your sanctuary doesn’t have to be the house and it
can’t be the office. It can be a garden or a walk around a garden. It can be a
drive to Starbucks for a Frappuccino. Sit there for at least 10 minutes, listen
to the music and people watch. It might even be your bathroom. Create a small
spaces just for you in the different places you occupy in life.
22. Find
Being right in the middle of burnout because the other
tips and tricks just didn’t work out might be too much for you. Find support in
the form of superiors, co-workers, friends, and family. Sometimes all you need
is someone to guide you, to tell you what to do, especially if you’re too
engulfed in an emotionally draining situation.
23. Demand
Burning out involves sucking someone’s energy. There’s
something or someone bent on taking your worth from you. Be aware of this and
demand respect. Don’t just say it either. You must hold your head high no
matter what and stand your ground in whatever situation you’re battling. Even
if there’s an apology necessary on your part, saying it with dignity ensures
that your respect remains intact.
24. Change
your perspective.
Give the students the bulk of the work by challenging
them to do what a teacher normally does without actually using those words. Put
the pressure on them. That’s actually the way it should work, but too many
times we take on their burdens as our own, especially when we truly care about
our students.
25. Know
your limits and set them.
Pushing yourself to do too much will set you up for
failure. You know it’s too much when you feel out of synch, when confusion or
chaos begins to seep into your daily activities. So, know what you just can’t
do and don’t do it. Don’t be the “yes” man. Learn to say, “No, I’d love to
help, but I just have too much on my plate right now.”
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